The object of my affection
It was an unusually quiet Sunday. G was not at home. I was pacing up and down the whole length of the living room thinking about what to do. Random thoughts crossed my mind - could I go watch a movie?? Or read a book.....or make the numerous phone calls I’ve been avoiding since an eternity?
Nothing seemed to fit my world right at this moment.....something about the calm Sunday evening told me to just lie still and watch the day go by. So, I decided to yield to my heart’s temptations - put on some nice old ghazals in the cd player, pulled up a chair and just let it all worries, my desires, my passions and my pains! The music filled the air with 'Tum itna jo musukura rahe ho' – one of my old time favourites. It belonged to the genre of songs that I thought were so truly beautiful and poignant at the same time.
I was just trying to drown myself in the magic of the moment, when I noticed her - standing alone, away from 'em all - looking innocent, yet absolutely gorgeous . She was bending slightly to the side, as if bowing to her own naked beauty. She was one of the bunch of three roses that I got G for her birthday yesterday. I wondered why I hadn’t paid a closer attention to this little piece of life brimming in my home earlier. I shifted a little in my chair, and rotated the vase to the right- to get a better peek into her world.

It was then, that I saw the impeccable grey shadow on the wall behind.....For some strange reason, it made me feel a little uneasy. It was as if I had seen more than I was supposed to. Was her world such a somber grey, behind that beautiful white? For an instance, I thought, I caught a glimpse of hurt behind that innocent smile.....a tinge of pain, beneath that subtle veil.....
I rang up A and showed him the pics. A few quick seconds of file transfer was all that was needed to share them all.
‘So, what do you think?’, I asked him
‘It’s nice, I like those small white flowers behind the leaves’
‘Oh, is that all?’
‘No, where were you standing when you took the pic’?
What has that got to do with anything, I wondered.‘Right next to the Café Terrace’, I said, a little annoyed.
‘Oh,ok! So, is this the rose on the left?’
‘No, it’s the one on the right’, I replied, more annoyed than earlier and wondering what he was up to.

...The trio - original.....

‘That’s not possible, you just showed me the pic of the whole bunch and the right flower doesn’t seem to fit in’
I looked at the pics again. ‘Oh, I tilted the vase a little to get a better view, so yes u're right - it's the left one in the pic ’!!!
‘Oh, I see....'
He had a keen eye for sure but I thought he was missing the whole point.
A long silence followed before he commented again.......
‘And what’s wrong with the third pic, it’s showing a strong variation of colours’
‘You call it solarized, A’
‘Hmmmm… why don’t you get these pics enlarged, enig! With the rate that you click snaps, you can have your own webshots site by now!!’
Ok, so he really was missing the point, or my mood – or both!
‘I need to go take a shower, A. I’ll catch up with u later’
With that, I hung up the phone abruptly and just took a deep breath. Of late, I had started feeling that A doesn’t really share my passions and didn’t quite understand my penchant for pain.We seldom thought about things in the same way. Did we have to? Maybe not, but weren’t the differences outgrowing the similarities? I was not sure what was disturbing me more - the fact that he often didn’t see what I saw in things, or the fact that he saw what I didn’t –a few distorted colours and some little big nothings. In short, things as they were - and not things as they could be.........
I cast one sidewards glance at the white rose lying in the vase....... she was standing so serene in her own glory - unruffled by the storm brewing inside of me. I went closer and touched her petals. It was absolutely irresistible – the sight of an unblemished white!
....In sepia....
No sooner than the thought crossed my mind- that I smiled. Wasn’t it this that I had liked in A in the first place – his uncompromising simplicity and his absolute lack of pretence! All in all , his tendency to keep things simple and straight. He didn’t wear any masks, and didn’t entangle his life in a hundred different meshes – the way I did. He didn’t look for hidden meanings in things – and was at peace with his own world. I was totally the opposite – I always found unnecessary things to brood over, and was never at ease with my life. I kept looking for pain even in the most unexpected places – and could never balance the strings of my life right…….
The realization was so subtle........yet so true. The rose was still smiling at me from a distance. I didn't want to complicate the truth more than this. I left it right there, in its beauty, and went on to dissolve my thoughts down a warm shower - with a promise to see life-as-it-is and not life-as-it-could-be.........
wonder why women make their lives so complicated...:-P
kidding aside, very nice blog...:-))
care to share the shots u shot? there's a photo aficianado's club at the secure site...:-)
buck, I knew that the women = complicated equation was coming from somebody...just didn't think it wud be u :p
ya, I too saw some amazing pics at the secure site.....but my problem with posting pics there is that I often want to post them with how I feel about them - because of which they end up getting stuck in my laptop for a I hardly get the time or motivation or inclination to write about them - so, maybe I'll just go ahead and post 'em there :)
hey SSM.....thanx a ton for the compliments buddy...therez something about ur comments, that always makes me smile the moment I read 'em :) u too have a great week ahead...
enigma !
The photo is amazing !
While I agree that when one takes a photos, there is a unstoppable urge to tag it with ones one thoughts about it, I also have to say that that the comments that one gets when you just let it float around are also equally amazing ! And when even a single comment matches your thought process, thats some high !
Lovely snaps... I somehow loved the solarized one best..:-)
Very nice blog enig... u shud write more often buddy..:-)
thanx, sunshine :)
ya, cheti - maybe u're right, I should let the pics float around and not tag them to my thought process...maybe I'll try to excavate some more long lost pics from my comp sometime this week!
hey Nithya.....thanx buddy :) and yeah, I found the solarized one intriguing in the sense that it has a 'portrait-charm' to it..some kind of a 'image from the past - frozen for view in this lifetime' kind of an effect to it, nahin?
hey ibl....I like what you see in the snap's a different perspective, yet beautiful nevertheless :) btw, welcome to the elite group of the
'complicated' ;)
You know, you should write more! Beautiful blog. And for once I want to contradict chief here ;-). For it's not just women who complicate their lives. I could have written the same blog in a same way, if I had your gift . I don't even want to talk about the photos :)
ahhh..enig! the stories of our lives- the men are from mars-women are from venus- kind of thing- happens to me every day- every moment- with three men in my home- my hubby and 2 sons- and the fact that my MIL also kind of has a tendency towards the practical- adds to my pathetic plight- I'm never far above the earth- thanks to these kindly souls- tho I try my best to soar high in the clouds...I remain firmly moored to the good ole earth! :-)
as for me- love to "complicate" things as they say...adds to the flavor of life - I say-
loved the snaps- and loved u'r meandering thoughts- the brooding- every moment...slurrrrrrrrrp- delicious...
now, let me go explore the vistas that u've thrown open for me and indulge in some delicious "complications" of my own making- :-)
and u'r A sounds dangerously like my V!
Please convey my sympathies to A :p (wondering whether the joke hasn't already been milked dry...).
I think these are my fav kind of blogs - the 'what i'm thinking right now' ones...maybe the voyeur in me is thrilled at a peek into a very personal train-of-thought...
nice pics. I liked 'solarised' best. both for composition and effect (very much like an oil painting). 'trio-original' could've been cropped better...:)
Hi enig; Great Blog..As CEC says I find it fascinating to read these kinda blogs. They assure me that I am normal :-). and yes I too like the Solarized one the best; seems like a Oil Painting.
Do write more!!
Where the !@#$ have I been all the while.. ??? Why havent I seen this before now? Why did I wait till everything else has been said about it? How can I say "That was really beautiful" without sounding cliched??!!
ya, asuph....I'm totally with u on this issue....I think
*complications* have absolutely nothing to do with gender :)
Ardra....always good to hear from u :) and ya, meandering thots do add to the flavour of life....I just don't want 'em to make life too bitter....
@CEC - 'Please convey my sympathies to A :p'
will do...don't u worry ;) and ya, I know the original hasn't come out that well....but I had no enthu to do nething else with it :p
thanx SM - I guess we all are a little more than normal ;)
hey ananth.....I'll refrain from any other comments on the
'complications' issue
about the, I didn't do any changes on the comp.....this is exactly how I shot it :) and hey, interesting thots u posted there...but till when can hope sustain life??
funny...yes, you can say it again...and no, it didn't sound cliched at glad u liked it :)
and yes, just wanted to add that I liked the 'sepia' one best...
ardra :)
You related with the flower at that instan because of mood set by the music and thoughts running in your head. 'A' definitely helped even if he didnt see ur mood in the pic. He is your yang, your equaliser. Hang on to him girl.
In the meantime keep clicking, photography can be a great outlet for moodswings. btw,I liked the first pic.
glad u stopped by, Pradzie...haven't seen u around in a long while.... :)
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