Into the woods
I found this amazing place, less than 5 mins drive from my apartment on the weekend. Was coming back home, merrily enjoying the warm, pleasant weather after months of cold and on a sudden impulse thought of stopping by the roadside, onto what looked like an old rustic path. I parked my car …and went down the narrow road.
Seconds later, I found myself amongst tall trees for as far as I could see on either side. It was all so quiet one minute, and the very next there was a sudden rush of wind roaring out from somewhere far off. And in between those wind gusts, I could hear a lone bird chirping here and there. Everything was so eerie to say the least that my heart must have skipped a beat (or two) in that wilderness. I went on further ahead, and caught a glimpse of the river behind two tall trees in the middle and two adorning the middle ones on either side.
A few more steps down, and I caught the whole wide view. There was a lone tree standing on one side, with her branches sprawled out in a careless abandon – overlooking the shimmering blue waters and the calm blue skies.

I stared at it all in a bated breath for a while and then let myself relax, soaking in all that I could of the sights and sounds of the dusk. I wanted to wrap my arms around this evening and not let it slip by..... But I had to, after a short while - when the clouds in the distance became way too threatening and the wind picked up on its gusts a little more. But before, I leggo…this is what became my cherished memory of the day.

P.S: When I came home I realized, that I shouldn’t have been out in such weather in the first place – there was a tornado watch in effect for my city and the surrounding areas because of which the wind gusts were so high. But, looking back I almost thank my ignorance for letting me take that roadside journey :-)