Do you what you see?

Was watching 'House' today and picked up this amazing song from the soundtrack at the end of the episode. Have been hooked to this song and singer' so soulful...and so haunting....the voice and the lyrics...completely mesmerizing.... the song is called 'in the Waiting Line' , the album is Simple Things from Zero 7 and the singer is Sophie Barker..I had never heard of her before... she somehow reminds me of Emily Deschanel from 'Bones'...but now I'm in love with her voice...
Here is a link from youtube
Wait in line
'Till your time
Ticking clock
Everyone stop
Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me
Do you believe
In what you see
There doesn't seem to be anybody else who agrees with me
Do you believe
In what you see
Motionless wheel
Nothing is real
Wasting my time
In the waiting line
Nine to five
Living lies
Stealing time
Everyone's taking everything they can
Everything they can
Everyone's taking everything they can
Everything they can
Do you believe
In what you feel
It doesn't seem to be anybody else who agrees with me
Ah and I'll shout and I'll scream
But I'd rather not have seen
And i'll hide away for another day...
Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me
Thank you so much for this post.
I was also puzzled by this song, just after I watched Dr House
But what puzzles me even more, is to find matching title, using Google search with "do you believe what you see". In no time. Amazing. Internet and Google are so GREAT.
Thank you all, Sophie Barker too.
I watched that episode too and this song is just beautiful. Thanks for posting!
I first heard this song in one of the Sex and the City episodes. It is a memorable song. Glad I came across the title again. I was trying to remember what it was because it was so haunting.
Can't thank you enough! Just as previous folks have commented, I heard the song on a "House" re-run this month, remembered hearing it before (probably on "Sex/City"), found it mesmerizing,and vowed to track it down. Well, lives get busy, and I forgot about it until I caught myself humming the chorus all day today. I remembered only those same six words of the chorus, plugged them into Google, not expecting much, and presto! found more than I was asking for. Many thanks for your work in searching out title, artist, etc.
Thank for posting this song. I just watch a re run episode of House and the song just haunted me that I had to turn mac on to see if itunes had it and couldn't find it with "do you believe in what you see" but when I google it you came up!! Thanks so much I am totally taken by this song.
Hi! I also have watched Dr House today and found this site,this info,You and Other People.
All the best for You and for Sophie!
you're very welcome guys! sorry, this blog has been practically dead for a long I didn't reply to any of the comments earlier..
Thank you! Just heard this on House and I adore it.
Thank you so much, heard this on House and I adored it!
i totally loved this song from 'house' too!! you'plictire the best! thanks
I'm from Austia and today I watched Dr.House with this song at the end. Thank you very much for finding this great song!
Totally incorect information.
The Band is "Zero 7",the album is "Simple Things", and the Song title is "In The Waiting Line".
Oh guys, life is beautiful. We all have the same taste. I like the way the human mind functions. We all watch Dr House and noticed something peculiar about the soundtrack at the end. That's pretty cool. Thanks for the infos. I guess there will be more comments here in future.
I hate to sound like a broken record but I live in Holland and was watching a re-run of House earlier today. I just had to track this haunting song down and google sent me straight here. The comments to this post amaze me a little bit but in a good way. Anyway, thanks for the help.
I'm so surpirsed, because I happened the same when I was watching that House's chapter...this song is really beautiful ^^
I was searching this mysterious song...its name...and I found your blog :B...
Greetings from Chile :)
Two things! we must all be on the same link of instantly recognizing awesome music!
Sitting here in Iraq watching House re-runs on AFN and i sat straight up at the sound of Ms Sophie Barkers voice. I then Googles"do you believe in what you see" and BAM! I have the credit card out ready for more of Zero7 and Sophie. Thanks soooo much!
indeed I remember that song from sex&the city and it is beautiful!!:)
you are very welcome, everyone! :-) I'm so pleasantly surprised to see how many people caught on to the same song and actually searched for it and found their way here...hmmm, it's all those lies that we're living 9 to 5, I think ;-)
It is wonderfull song. I am loving it. I watching House too. And i am from Moscow.
Hey thanks for your comment...helped me to find the song...we all felt same feeling after watching the episode...funny and cool !!!! thx again
thx helped to find the song and so strange tghe way we all felt feeling.....funny and cool how people can get connected !!!!
Very funny actually, I made a research " do you believe in what you see" just after watching House this evening and I found your blog immediatly like many other people. Amazing! I love this song. Alex from Belgium ;)
Just watched the House repeat, like everyone and had to look it up...but couldn't find it on itunes, so I googled it, and found this blog,thanks!....amazing song!
thanx for the comments everyone..looks like this song has transcended several borders :-)
May not have found this without your blog. So glad I did, awesome, awesome track. Thanks so much...
An the thank you's keep coming in. Thanks for the post. I found the song watching a Plex software demo if you can believe that. Googled the lyrics and your post was right up there near the top.
man i love this song! thanks for posting this info. btw you might want to tell folks that they can get it on itunes.
dude it's also on the "Garden State" soundtrack
hahahaaaa, jumping on the bandwagon to say THANK YOU! Just finished watching a very old SATC episode - have heard this many times and each time meant to search it out. tonight I did and BAM, Am now listening on Spotify! - moments like this make me ADORE the internet!!! :-)
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