Into the woods
I found this amazing place, less than 5 mins drive from my apartment on the weekend. Was coming back home, merrily enjoying the warm, pleasant weather after months of cold and on a sudden impulse thought of stopping by the roadside, onto what looked like an old rustic path. I parked my car …and went down the narrow road.
Seconds later, I found myself amongst tall trees for as far as I could see on either side. It was all so quiet one minute, and the very next there was a sudden rush of wind roaring out from somewhere far off. And in between those wind gusts, I could hear a lone bird chirping here and there. Everything was so eerie to say the least that my heart must have skipped a beat (or two) in that wilderness. I went on further ahead, and caught a glimpse of the river behind two tall trees in the middle and two adorning the middle ones on either side.
A few more steps down, and I caught the whole wide view. There was a lone tree standing on one side, with her branches sprawled out in a careless abandon – overlooking the shimmering blue waters and the calm blue skies.

I stared at it all in a bated breath for a while and then let myself relax, soaking in all that I could of the sights and sounds of the dusk. I wanted to wrap my arms around this evening and not let it slip by..... But I had to, after a short while - when the clouds in the distance became way too threatening and the wind picked up on its gusts a little more. But before, I leggo…this is what became my cherished memory of the day.

P.S: When I came home I realized, that I shouldn’t have been out in such weather in the first place – there was a tornado watch in effect for my city and the surrounding areas because of which the wind gusts were so high. But, looking back I almost thank my ignorance for letting me take that roadside journey :-)
awesome, the pics as well as the description along with them. In instances like these , ignorance can really be bliss. Glad you could catch these few moments.
Sometimes Enig, there's nothing really special about that which sorrounds us. Its just trees, lakes, earth the sky and the occasional bad weather. The blog is more representative fo what you felt that instant there in that setting.. :)
hey enig, your post on blank noise project got mentioned in the column of Kalpana Sharma in the Hindu. Did you know that? Here is a link to the article. Congrats lady!!
(mirrored this comment at DSS as well)
Beautiful pics enig.... show me this place when I visit next :) !
thanx guys, glad u liked the pics :) and thanx for the link imp, I had no idea that I was famous :) it's a very nice column that Kalpana Sharma has written in the Hindu..
kewl pics! it is such fun to do such impromtu expeditions na?!
once we had gone walking up a little mountain near our house by the hudson and come upon such an awesome view from the top! unfortunately no camera :( but the feeling was awesome!
and congrats on the mention!! :)
hullo resh, long time :) hmmmm....mountains and rivers, totally swell combination :):) u know when I was in Phoenix last, we were going to this fine arts expo, and we got the address, we went half an hour out of the city, on a beautiful drive...of meandering uphill roads and amazing mountain views....only to find at the end of our drive, that the expo was quite near where we had started from....but it was one helluva experience I'll never forget... impromptu expeditions totally rock :)
hey enig,
looks heavenly... reminded me of our random walks in the woods around the IIT Bombay, especially near the Vihar lake. god, you've made me nostalgic! sigh...
and congratulations on your newfound fame :).
thanx asuph...I had interned in Bombay one summer several yrs ago...and I too remember the sights in and ard truly was amazing :)
Hi enig!!
I'm back after a long time..
Some one here has mentioned the link to The Hindu, where your blog was featured. That is the same one I spoke about some time ago, and hey thats how I hit on your blog..
And yes ofcourse... the pics are brilliant!!!
keep those coming in..
I cant even dream about hitting upon a place like that in and around Bangalore.. :)
Mabbe miles and miles away I could find something like this..
hey glad u found ur way back! you are always welcome here :), u're in Blore? tell me, what wud u do if u had an evening to kill in B'lore and u were new to that place? :)
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