A Thousand Words
Here, are some pics from one of my desert drives!! Did, I hear no…not again?? :p:p
I’ve kept the blog essentially as a photo blog…would let the pics do all the talking, and would just whisper from the back about where the pic was taken….deal? :-) Ok, here I go....
I’ve kept the blog essentially as a photo blog…would let the pics do all the talking, and would just whisper from the back about where the pic was taken….deal? :-) Ok, here I go....
These pictures are from my trip to the Apache Scenic Trail. A little bit of history on the trail itself. The 48 mile trail, was built essentially as a road to get building material through the Superstition Mountains, to the construction site of the now towering 300 ft tall Roosevelt dam. For most part of the trip, the terrain is rugged and steeping, and just 15 or so miles into the trail, the road pavement ends. For the rest of the trip, the road is narrow, making room for just one car at a time......and at so many such hair pin turns along the trail, you have to stop and make way for the cars trying to pass from the other side......
Our trip, started on a beautiful Sunday morning, from Phoenix, following the signs for AZ 88. I had all my information in place - the directions, the distances, the stop overs - had almost remembered everything by heart before I even began the trip! :-) A couple of miles onto AZ 88, I noticed a bunch of mountains towering onto my right – they had to be superstition mountains.....one look at them removed all the doubts I had about their name. They looked so threatening and ominous – dark and disturbing, beneath the blanket of white clouds – that I had to get out of the car and take an inviting shot of their beauty.....

Superstition Mountains

A few miles further into the trail, the road began to bend sharply....and the trail started to become steeper and steeper. Here is, one such shot of the meandering road.

....Just a bend.....

Around 15 or so miles, into the trail.....the beautiful Canyon Lake came to view. Believe me, you don’t want to hear me talk about the mesmerizing blue lake.....for if I start, I'd never stop :-) Here, are a few shots......some in colour, and a few in sepia and black and white.....

Can u spot the shadow of the mountains at the back?

This is where, most of the people head back, as the paved road ends.....and the gravel road goes further onto the fish creek canyon - overlooking the Apache lake. It’s a long 18 mile lake, and the road cuts thru the cliffs and the canyons, sharply - at times, sometimes descending, and at other times ascending along the meandering lake. Here is a view when the lake was deep down, and we could see it from the top amidst the adjoining landscape boasting of the Saguaro cactus!
Here is another view when we were at level (literally!!) with the lake.
The next stop, was the astounding Roosevelt Dam.....standing in the middle of the largest of the three lakes along the trail – the Roosevelt Lake! It was a sight – so massive, and so beautiful ....that I’ll carry it’s memory in my heart forever! A huge hemispherical bridge, overlooking the vast lake…the breathtaking mountains at the back, and the looming clouds. It’s like nature and man in harmony with each other – u have a bridge, a road, mountains, skies and waters.....all living peacefully on this one stretch of the world! :-) Here, are some shots of the lake.......

The dying day....

...and the dreamy skies!

And as I left all this behind, that day, I could not but help wonder how I would feel each time that I would think about this trip - about my love for the desert! Those huge mountains standing tall, amidst blue waters and blue skies - and a lone soul, standing by their side, watching them tower above everything - wondering, at the brevity of us - against them! And yet, I would want to come back to their arms, every once in a while - and just enjoy the magic of being there, with them – hearing them whisper to me a lullaby.....
I dream of rain, I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain, I dream of love as time runs thru my hand.....
I dream of rain, I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes, the rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of love...
P.S: Woohooo…...and u actually got fooled into thinking that I was gonna let u see the pics, without some of my live transmission ;-)
WOW! What a blog! WOW!
Each and every snap jus took my breath away... And I liked the color ones better than sepia/bw...
superstition mountains! wow, interesting name.. why r they called so?
My favs..
# The canyon lake, in color... there is something so calm about that pic... the mighty mountains in the background, the stillness of the lake...
# Jus a bend.. thats a beauty!
# the dreamy skies... no words for this one too!
Enig, you made my day with these lovely pictures and even better lines..:-) Keep writing..:)
fantastic, el enig! love the way you thread the pics together with your narrative.
awesome pics...great narration to go with them...i think i am falling more and more in love with the rugged desert landscapes...:-)
i gotta say that although i am a beeeg fan of black & white pics, the color ones were much better...the b&w or the sepia ones seem to take away detail from the pics...maybe color is best when the contrast is less and black and white when there is stark contrast? or maybe color is good for landscapes and b&w for subjects up close?
thanx a ton guys :)
Ananth, I just use hello to post the pics....that's really all to the procedure. Post them as separate blogs and then copy the html code to the main post....not sure if this info helped? lemme know if u need more details...
Nithya....earlier they were called Salt River Mountains...but in mid 1860's, they started to be referred to as Superstition Mountains or as Sierra de Superstition or Sierra de Supersticionesthe ...the name is related to what SSM just said.....a legend goes that the Indians living in the region long back, had an unusal fear and respect for this giant monolith which they called Ka-Katack-Tami that meant the "Crooked-top mountain".....the early farmers living in the Salt River Valley, constantly heard stories from the Pima Indians about how they feared this mountain...the farmers thought the Pimas were superstitious about the mountain hence the name Superstition Mountain!! interesting, no? :)
thanx ano, am glad u liked it :)
hey SSM!!!! ok, fall it is....meet u there this autumn then? ;) actually my trip too is sorta incomplete(altho I doubt if I'll ever say it's complete!)...I still haven't visited the Grand Canyon...so am planning to go there again sometime in Sep-Oct!! so cool, na :)
buck, thanx buddy :) and ya, I take ur point...with natural landscapes....the colors mostly do wonders to the pic...and maybe the black 'n' white or sepia modes take that lustre away.....but I have this obsessive compulsive disorder to shoot a few sepia/black 'n' white shots, wherever I go ;) ...so, I post them anyways for completeness! :)
Special Sauce, thanx...and interesting name :) and hey...u're already there, I thought? :) just checked out ur blogsite...u study in ASU man, what else can u ask from life ;)
hey IW....thanx a bunch! coming from u, I'll take that as a big compliment...am still in awe after checking out ur Malaysia pics last night...and am not kidding, I had dreams of that place last night!!!!! :):):) about the bridge pic, I had wanted to wait till the sun sets, but it was pointless that day....there were so many clouds, that all my hopes for being there at dusk, were practically not of much use! so, we decided to head back...
Lovely pictures. I too like travel blogs - makes me know up front what I should visit some day :)
Loved the Canyon lake pics in color, and also the bending road!
Lovely pics enig...
Yeah the dessert is beautiful..
Loved 'just a bend' - makes for a nice visual...
'just one end'... very nice. like the colours.
'dreamy skies' ncie...u have captured a pretty spot of sunshine there...very nice!!
Loved the narration. a travel-blog would be no fun without the narration. :-D look forward to more!!
Lovely photos and lovelier narration Enig:). keep em coming.
hey Priya...thanx! and yes, maybe we should compare notes on places to visit some day ;)
topkapi, Scarlett...glad u guys liked the narrative :)
Chay, thanx buddy ....I too adore that pic of the Roosevelt Bridge that u mention, love the blues scattered all over the place, in it :)
beautiful pics enig!!
(I did not take the "I will let pics do the talking" seriously:P:)!!!)
thanx, bluehue :)
Vivek, looks like u've started to know me well ;)
lovely pics lady!!
and yes ofcourse the narration!! i cant skip that... :)
hey survivor..thanx again :)
I m out of words now :)
hahhhhaa, that's fine Apy - I've already said a thousand ;) glad u liked the pics..
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